Sunday 14 June 2020

#103 Crossing In Time

Crossing In Time by D.L. Orton 

I was kindly approached by Noly (@theartsyreader) to take part in a blog tour (my first ever one) run by the lovely Dave (@TheWriteReads) for the sci-fi romance book 'A Crossing in Time', i love sci-fi so i jumped at the chance to read and review this book and for full disclosure i received an e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

Summary: 'When offered a one-way trip into the past, Isabel sacrifices everything for a chance to change the rapidly deteriorating present and see her murdered lover one more time. When she arrives twenty years in the past, buck naked and mortally wounded, she has 24 hours to convince a stunned but enraptured nineteen year old to change their future. Definitely easier said than done, as success means losing him to a brainy, smart- mouthed bombshell (her younger self), and thats a heart breaker save the world or not.

A Crossing in Time follows Isabel and Diego predominantly but the book is told in multiple POV which allows for a well rounded view of the story. At the beginning of the story the two per-chance meet and through a series of crazy events become connected. The first 40-50% of the book is a straight up romance novel which i dont typically care for usually although i must admit i did enjoy that it wasn't your typical run of the mill romance and they experienced a lot of hardship during their relationship which makes the reader really root for them.

The sci-fi elements didnt properly kick off until around 60% and at that point i could not put this book down, it was very reminiscent of Blake Crouch's Recursion and had all the same smart science elements that i love. The world is experiencing a pandemic (which i only mention as this can be triggering for some people due to the current state of the world but i must mention this book was written long before this happened so the author is not drawing parallels to our current situation) scientists have found that the only way for the world to be saved is for Isabel to travel back in time to a younger Diego and explain to him how to save the world.

The time travel elements were well written all be it a little confusing at times but i must admit i read from the 60% mark in one sitting, i just needed to know if Isabel was able to save the day or not and what would become of the world if she did or did not succeed. This book has pleasantly surprised me and im so glad i was approached to be a part of this blog tour. I cant wait to read the other books in the trilogy. I have left the links to purchase the book (currently free on kindle) below as well as its goodreads page for more info.

About the author:

DL ORTON, THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR of the BETWEEN TWO EVILS series, lives in the foothills of the Rockies where she and her husband are raising three boys, a golden retriever, two Siberian cats, and an extremely long-lived Triops.♂‍

In her spare time, she's building a time machine so that someone can go back and do the laundry.



  1. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Rachel, and congrats on your 1st book tour blog post. 🎈

    1. Thank you and congrats on such a great book!
