Wednesday 16 September 2020

#112 Our Stop

 Our Stop by Laura Jane Williams

Our Stop follows two characters in split chapters, we have Nadia who is successful late 20's lady who works in artifical intellignece. She has her life somewhat together and has set friendships. We also follow Daniel a 30 year old engineer who has just lost his father, he lives with a roomate that he met online and has a few questionable friendship. When Daniel spots Nadia on the tube one morning he leaves the encounter kicking himself that he didnt approach her. He write into the local papers 'missed connections' section in the hope that she will see it and get in touch. 

The book has a few mixed media elements as it shows you the text from the missed connection articles which was a nice touch and i did enjoy the exchanges between them. I also really enjoyed some of the themes that were introduced, there was some really healthy conversations surrounding feminism and supporting women. I also really enjoyed the conversations around the importance of consent and it honestly made me fall in love with Daniel a little bit. Nadia was a really relatable character, she was frazzeled, always running late and she was jealous of her work bestie and non work bestie getting on so well, it just felt like she was a real person to me. She had just come out of a emotional abusive and manipulative relationship and i just rooted for her. I wanted her to meet Daniel (a lot sooner than she bloody did) and fall in love. I really did want a happy ending for both of them. 

I dont usually read romance or contemporary much generally but ive been making an active effort in 2020 to read outside of my comfort zone more. Ok, this is not a straight forward teview to write as this laregly annoyed me but then at the same time it would constantly pull me back in again. The thing that annoyed me was the fact that they kept missing each other, i swear they didnt actually meet until the last 10% of the book. I wanted a bit more from it. I wanted to know more about the beginning of their relationship and yearned for an epilogue that was a 5 years later scenario so that felt pretty disappointing. It just feels like the biggest build up for not too much at the end of it. I would find myself going back and forth constantly with this, almost like every build up to them meeting i would be like yes this is it, its happening! and then it wouldnt happen and it would annoy me. I didnt want to have to read another massive build up for it to crash and burn again, that was my only main criticism. Another huge no no for me is when you have split Nadia chapters and split Danile chapters you dont randomly have 1 chapter (yes just 1) of another characters POV, i was so thrown off by this. I remember thinking i dont care about Eddy and i dont want to hear from him! I have literally no idea why the author did that, seemed very disjointed to me.

Overall this was an ok read for me, i enjoyed bits and others i didnt but i think if you like reading romance then you would enjoy it a lot more as it is very cute. 

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